Friday 11 December 2009


All the stamps are now created. I think the project went OK. I would spend more time on the render of the fish and the layout of the bacteria model. The target i set out to do was to create 3 different animals with different skin patterns. This went OK for the first stamp, but the other 2 were just render normally. I didn't have enough to time to complete them as i planned, so i just rendered them as they would be in real life. Half way through the creation of the fish stamp, the computer i was working on decided to turn off, which has not been uncommon this semester, which was very annoying, but i managed to start again and recreate it. Apart from that i found the programme tricky at first to use, but towards the end it began to get a bit easier as i started to remember where all the buttons and tools are. This being said, there is still so much to learn...

Bacteria stamp...

Here is the final stamp for the 3d bacteria model. I did rush it towards the end as didn't manage my time appropriately. But at least the 3 stamps are complete now. Here it is...

Texture of the bacteria...

I found a veiny texture on the internet which i will use as my material. Here is the orignal and below it the photoshopped image. I simply change the hue and set the contrast up a bit to make the veins really show through. I now need to put it onto the product.

Creating background in photoshop...

I couldn't find a suitable background so i decided to creat one in photoshop. Here is the created background:

Here is a step by step for creating the bacteria...

Now i had looked at some images to give me inspiration i started to model it on 3D s max. I started out with a simple image. A spring.

I then needed to edit the shape. I did this by going into edit poly > selecting the polygons i wanted to remove > deleting the polygons. i was left with this:

Now im left with 2 bacteria like shapes. They currently have open ends, so i need to add a sphere in all open ends to make them rounded.

This is the basic shape done. I now need to add in a background.

3rd stamp idea...

I have now done a fish, and an insect/beetle. I wanted to make something a bit different. I started looking into micro-organisms and bacteria. Here are some images i collected to show what sort of final design i wanted to achieve.

This is bacteria, i like the lighting and texture it has. I could recreate this in my final stamp.

These are the steps i took in creating the discus fish in 3D. The body, tail and fins are all the same part. The dorsal fins have been added on after. As you can see they are shown in a different colour. Here are the images...